Timberwolves FastBreak Foundation Accepting Nominations for Local Basketball Courts to be Refurbished

Minneapolis-St. Paul – The Minnesota Timberwolves FastBreak Foundation is now accepting nominations for local basketball courts to receive a refurbishment through the team’s “Our Courts. Our Future.” program presented by U.S. Bank.
This is the second year of the court refurbishment program for the foundation, previously named “New Era. New Courts.” The annual program will continue under the new name, “Our Courts. Our Future.” and will this year take on four refurbishment projects throughout the course of the summer across Minnesota. Last year, the program refurbished three courts in Rochester, Moorhead and St. Paul.
To nominate a local court in Minnesota, submit a brief description, including who utilizes the court, and photos of the current condition, to www.timberwolves.com/ourcourts . Nominations will be accepted through 5 p.m. CT on Friday, April 27.
Contact Information: Kirsten Wenker, kirsten.wenker@timberwolves.com , 612-673-