Seminar on Mysterious CPT Code at Healthy Life Expo
Jim Holt
6106 Excelsior Blvd #10
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416
Ph: 952-238-1700
Why Do American Get So Fat and Who is Benefiting from It?
Healthy Life Expo
Minneapolis Convention Center, February 6-7, 2016
Minneapolis, MN – February 6-7, 2016 – American obesity rates are on the rise, without a slowdown in site. But what is causing this, who is benefiting from it, and why hasn’t there been more done to combat this?
These topics will be discussed and explained by Kent Barker at the Healthy Life Expo at 12 p.m. on Saturday, February 6 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.
The earliest years of Kent's career were spent working with the pioneering surgeons and inventors of open-heart surgery. They worked together to develop new equipment for heart-lung bypass. Much of this work occurred right in the operating room.
Watching the nurses go out for smoking breaks convinced him there was more to the story which began his lifetime quest: What is the true nature of health care?
One stopping point was as chairperson of the Minnesota Blood Pressure Coalition. This resulted in a study that made it to the front page of the Pioneer Press, on the evening news and was distributed by the Associated Press. The study found that few office visit blood pressure measurements were being performed according to the accepted standard.
Kent’s goal at the Healthy Life Expo will be to uncover and expose those who are benefiting from the raising obesity rates while encouraging a discussion to discover progressive and real solutions for those who want answers.
The CDC in Atlanta has provided Kent with current information and statistics and he will also draw upon information that was recently published in the article, “Your Lifestyle is to Blame for 70%-90% of Cancers.”
Participants in this Town Hall Meeting will sit at discussion tables and talk for .5-1 hour, then contribute what they figure to be the causes and solutions to America’s obesity and health epidemics. Prizes will be awarded to the groups who provide the best answers as determined by the participants.
Kent’s goal is to finally get a real conversation started about the number one threat facing many American’s today – obesity and its attendant diseases – in order to fight back.
Currently, Kent is building the Healthy Lifestyle Pool, which promises to reduce medical services costs by up to 70 percent and to add up to 20 additional healthy years.
The Healthy Life Expo runs Saturday and Sunday, February 6-7, 2016 from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. both days at the Minneapolis Convention Center Ballroom. Tickets are $6 at the door or free with the donation of a non-perishable food item.
TAGS: Healthy Life Expo, Minneapolis Convention Center, American obesity, Minnesota Blood Pressure Coalition, CDC, Healthy Lifestyle Pool