New Boardwalk in Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden Reopens
New Boardwalk in Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden Reopens
On Friday, July 24, the new boardwalk in the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden will reopen to the public. This new boardwalk, custom designed and made from ash trees harvested from the park system, is a simple, graceful addition which complements the quiet wetland setting. The boardwalk crosses two channels in the garden and offers new integral bench and camera stands on a bridge section looking toward Mallard Pond. The decking is made from ash trees removed as part of the MPRB Forestry Departments Emerald Ash Borer Preparedness Program and was specially milled and sent to a processor in Duluth for heat treatment to make it suitable for outdoor use.
This is the first phase of the planned boardwalk, which will include a small group gathering space near the current endpoint on the south. The gathering space will be similar to the Mallard Pond viewing area, but a bit larger. More boardwalk sections will continue through the entire wetland, eliminating the need to walk on boards in wet seasons.
The boardwalk would not be possible without the dedicated and unwavering support of, and fundraising by, the Friends of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden. The Friends are currently raising funds for future boardwalk phases. If you would like to help, please visit
---Save the Date----
On September 20, 2015, MPRB and the Friends of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden are planning a dedication of the new bridge section of the boardwalk. The dedication will honor past garden curator, Cary George. Stay tuned for more details.