Minneapolis Public Health Week to honor public health heroes
April 9, 2018 (MINNEAPOLIS) As part of National Public Health Week, the City of Minneapolis will honor local public health heroes whose work supports the goals of the Health Department and helps to raise awareness of the critical roles that public health and prevention play in making Minneapolis healthier.
Public Health Hero award ceremony and resource fair Tuesday, April 10
10:30-11:30 a.m. Resource fair
11:30 a.m. Award ceremony
City Hall Rotunda, 350 S. Fifth St.
Local Public Health Hero Awards
The Local Public Health Hero Awards honor the accomplishments of community partners whose service to public health activities transforms and strengthens the lives of Minneapolis residents and visitors. The 2018 recipients:
Health Department goal category: a healthy start to life and learning
Minneapolis Downtown Next Generation Lions Chapter
Health Department goal category: thriving youth and young adults
Sam Simmons, Simmons Consulting
Hennepin County Medical Center Next Step Program team: Ann Eilbracht, Ann Fesler, Dan Hallberg, David Hottinger, Connie Rhodes, Sara Rose, Farji Shaheer and Nicole Smith
Health Department goal category: healthy weight and smoke-free living
Jennifer Weber, community partnership coordinator and student activities director at Cedar Riverside Community School
Fartun Weli, founder and executive director of Isuroon
Health Department goal categories: a healthy place to live and a healthy environment
Akisha Everett, executive director of Neighborhood Hub
Health Department goal category: safe places to eat, swim and stay
Tracynda Davis, retail specialist with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Health Department goal category: a strong urban public health infrastructure
Amoke Kubat, project and events coordinator at Yo Mama! The Mothering Mother Institute
Shanai Matteson, director of Works Progress
Resource fair
The resource fair will include interactive booths staffed by Health Department employees who will:
- Test for lead in mugs, toys, cookware and other products participants bring in.
- Offer attendees a chance to spin the wheel of worksite wellness, answer trivia questions and register for a prize.
- Provide a hand-washing station that demonstrates proper hand washing and helps participants see if they are washing their hands correctly.