City of Minneapolis Seeks Development Proposals for Public Service Center Block

Oct. 18, 2019 (MINNEAPOLIS) The City of Minneapolis is seeking development proposals for the City-owned parcels on the Public Service Center Block. The block is located in the Downtown West Neighborhood and bounded by 3rd Street South, 4th Street South, 3rd Avenue South and 2nd Avenue South. The City currently owns four parcels on the block, including the Public Service Center building and the City of Lakes building. The City parcels are about 1.6 acres or two-thirds of the block.
“Development of these parcels is a great opportunity for anyone interested in doing a development in downtown Minneapolis, said Ward 7 Council Member Lisa Goodman, chair of the City’s Economic Development & Regulatory Services Committee (EDRS). “This site is located close to light rail and is conveniently located between the central business district and the influx of development on the east side of downtown. The flexibility of downtown zoning allows for a wide variety of uses and the ability to go tall makes this a very attractive development site.”
City employees currently working in the Public Service Center and City of Lakes buildings will relocate to the new City office building on the corner of 5th Street and 4th Avenue South in 2021.
The RFP and related materials are posted on the project website. There will be an optional pre-proposal meeting on Friday, November 1 at 9 a.m. at Crown Roller Mill, located at 105 5th Avenue South, Suite 200. Proposals are due by Friday, December 6.
“We encourage developers to respond to the Request for Proposal for this key downtown site,” said David Frank, Director of City’s Community Planning and Economic Development department. “We are very interested in seeing creative proposals which fulfill the City’s development objectives.”
The City will consider a number of uses, including: housing, hotel, office, commercial, retail sales and services and parking. It may also include a new 1st Police Precinct. If developed on the block, the new Precinct would have to be embedded into a larger development, rather than being a stand-alone facility. The new development must be a minimum of 10 stories; there is no height maximum.
For more information, please contact David Frank at