MSP parking ramps changing names and consolidating

Changes comimg to Terminal 1-Lindbergh parking ramps
People parking at Terminal 1-Lindbergh at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) will notice changes starting Monday, April 10, as the general and short-term parking areas are renamed and the entrances for both are consolidated into one entrance plaza.
General parking will be renamed “daily” parking, and short-term parking renamed “hourly.”
The name changes will better reflect the parking options available to customers.
The new “hourly” parking area will be in the Gold Ramp on Level 3, and the area that has historically been short-term parking will become part of the terminal’s daily parking inventory. Signs will direct drivers to the new hourly parking spots in the Gold Ramp, and parking there will be limited to four hours or less.
Other than Gold Ramp level three, all spaces will be designated “daily” parking for customers’ longer-term parking needs.
The new Terminal 1 entry plaza will have seven entry lanes. For over-sized vehicles, the current entrance and signage will remain unchanged.
“The changes at Terminal 1 will streamline the parking experience for travelers and simplify the entrance to the ramps,” said Atif Saeed, the Metropolitan Airport Commission’s assistant director – landside operations. “Soon we will also start construction on a new 5,000-parking space ramp at Terminal 1, and we appreciate our customers’ patience as we work to improve people’s airport parking experience.”
The parking ramps at Terminal 2-Humphrey, the Quick Ride Ramp near Terminal 1, and the valet garage are not effected by the changes.
Real-time information on the availability of parking at both terminal at MSP can be found here.