Sixth annual Minneapolis Trans Equity Summit Sept. 26

Sept. 4, 2019 (MINNEAPOLIS) Hosted by the City of Minneapolis, the sixth annual Minneapolis Trans Equity Summit takes place Thursday, Sept. 26.
Trans Equity Summit
9 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 26, 2019
Walker Art Center
725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, the theme for this year’s summit is “shifting the narrative.” The event will highlight the silenced histories and envision the futures of trans and gender non-conforming communities.
The Summit is free and open to the public. Anyone interested in furthering transgender equity is encouraged to attend. This is an event for trans and gender non-conforming community members to connect to resources and each other, and for potential allies to learn more about issues affecting the community.
Registration and additional information is available at
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