Mark Mallman FREE piano performance

Local artist Mark Mallman to perform at Pianos on Parade tomorrow
in downtown Minneapolis
What: Mark Mallman FREE piano performance
When: TOMORROW, Tuesday, June 6 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Where: Hennepin County Government Center South Plaza (3rd Avenue South & 7th Street South)
Info: Local artist Mark Mallman, known for his marathon music performances that once reached 78 consecutive hours of playing, will be performing at the Pianos on Parade piano located at Hennepin County Government Center South Plaza.
Since 1998, Mallman’s live performances has helped him become a must-see draw. He has his own star on First Avenue, and he has release eight full-length studio albums. Pianos on Parade performance is FREE and open to the public.
Mallman performed his song, “Minneapolis,” and filmed a music video playing all 25 Pianos on Parade over the weekend and posted the video online. You can view it at
Pianos on Parade offers pianos painted by local artists with a “summer in downtown Minneapolis” theme at 25 different locations in our city’s core. The pianos are free for public use daily from June 1 through June 30, and each piano will have a free outdoor performance on Tuesdays in June from 12 pm – 1 pm. More information on Pianos on Parade, produced by the mpls downtown council and mpls downtown improvement district in partnership with Keys 4/4 Kids, can be found at
For more information on the mpls downtown council, follow @mplsdowntown on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Interact with us using the hashtags #mymplsdt and #pianosonparade.