(Minneapolis/St. Paul) — The Guthrie Theater (Joseph Haj, artistic director) today announced four relaxed performances as part of its 2019–2020 Season, including Steel Magnolias, A Christmas Carol, Twelfth Night (student matinee) and Emma. These select performances are designed for patrons, families and students who may benefit from a more relaxed and judgment-free theatergoing experience. The Guthrie hosted its first-ever relaxed performance last season with A Christmas Carol and is adding additional titles this season to offer more opportunities for the community to experience live theater.
Single tickets for the relaxed performances of Steel Magnolias, A Christmas Carol and Emma are $29 for adults and $15 for students. Tickets are on sale now through the Box Office at 612.377.2224, 1.877.44.STAGE (toll-free) or online at
Group tickets (15+) for the relaxed performance of Twelfth Night (student matinee) are $16 per person. Tickets are on sale now through Group Sales at 612.225.6244, 1.877.225.6211 (toll-free) or For questions or more information on all relaxed performances, please contact the Accessibility Office at
Although relaxed performances are open to all patrons, they are intentionally modified to accommodate patrons with sensory and vestibular sensitivities, anxiety, dementia, autism spectrum disorders, learning differences or challenges attending the theater.
Small modifications will be made to the performance, which may include reducing the volume of loud noises and effects, eliminating strobe lights, adjusting the levels of house lights and having a relaxed attitude toward sound and movement in the audience. In addition to making adjustments onstage and in the theater, the Guthrie’s lobbies and public spaces will include quiet areas, sensory-friendly activities and increased staff to create a safe, welcoming environment.
A variety of support materials are available online in advance to ensure patrons have a positive experience, including a detailed narrative about what it’s like to visit the Guthrie, an overview of the scenes and characters from the production and maps to help patrons choose the best routes and spaces during their visit.
2019–2020 Relaxed Performances:
Steel Magnolias
Sunday, November 24, 2019, at 4 p.m.
McGuire Proscenium Stage
At Truvy’s beauty salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana, a hodgepodge group of women form friendships as strong as steel, which they are forced to lean on when tragedy strikes.
Recommended for ages 12 and up. This production features some adult language, gunshot sound effects, a character with diabetes and thematic elements (death of a young character, grief) that may not be suitable for young children.
A Christmas Carol
Saturday, December 28, 2019, at 1 p.m.
Wurtele Thrust Stage
Ebenezer Scrooge greets each Christmas with “Bah! Humbug!” until he is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve who challenge him to change his cantankerous ways.
Recommended for ages 8 and up. This production features multiple ghosts, loud noises and music, scenes that move between time periods and thematic elements (death, poverty) that may not be suitable for young children.
Twelfth Night (student matinee)
Thursday, March 12, 2020, at 10:30 a.m.
Wurtele Thrust Stage
When a shipwrecked Viola winds up in Illyria, mayhem abounds and a love triangle between Orsino, Olivia and Cesario (who is Viola in disguise) brings everyone along for the ride.
Recommended for ages 12 and up. This production features Shakespearean language, music, a female character disguised as a man, female actors playing male characters and thematic elements (mistaken identities, romance, practical jokes) that may not be suitable for young children.
Saturday, May 23, 2020, at 1 p.m.
Wurtele Thrust Stage
In this world-premiere adaptation of the beloved Jane Austen novel, the witty Emma Woodhouse schemes to help others find love until her best-laid matchmaking plans go awry.
Recommended for ages 8 and up. This production features British accents, music and dancing, characters who speak directly to the audience and thematic elements (heartbreak, trickery, romance) that may not be suitable for young children.
The Guthrie Theater’s 2019–2020 relaxed performances are sponsored by Target.